
Outlined here are VNG’s brand standards. Please follow these guidelines whenever you use our brand assets and contact our Corporate Branding and Community department for exceptional cases.

VNG brand is a collective identity that needs to be aligned consistently and accordingly. So let’s work together to protect and enhance our brand.


What's inside

We have put together this Brand Book to help everyone that works with the VNG brand, including employees, agencies, partners and design professionals. The book guides you on the technical elements of our brand.

Our corporate color, fonts and imagery style are the visual cues that define our brand. Hence, this brand book provides information on the many ways these elements use, guidance on common applications and usage examples.

This Brand Book should be used with other guidelines and policies (when required), under the provision of the Corporate Branding and Community department of VNG.

About the VNG brand

We have been operating for almost two decades. Our brand represents our name, reputation, culture, and everything we strive for. As our ambition grows, we evolve from our original logo to express our commitment to conquering the global market and exploring other areas of technology possibilities.

Combined with our latest visual identity, this will create a unique competitive edge which we will continue to build.

By 2010, VNG has ocially changed its name from Vinagame to VNG. Therefore, VNG must no longer be referred to as “Vinagame”.

Welcome Welcome

Our Mission


Our Values


Tone of voice

“Embracing challenges” is at the heart of how we communicate. Our values Embracing challenges, Upholding integrity, and Advancing partnerships direct our tone of voice for internal and external communications, enabling us to present our unique personality and consistent voice of our brand.

1. Be authentic
We want our audiences to trust us in what we are doing and delivering. Hence, using natural language instead of jargon or technical terms.

2. Be simple
We provide our messages in the easiest way to understand possible.

3. Be friendly and welcoming
We present our messages in an approachable and welcoming way, without being overly casual.

4. Be direct
At the same time, we remain to be polite.

5. Be committed
But not overly formal or traditional. Besides standard Vietnamese, we use English for all global communications.